The Advantages of KMS and Guano Gold as an Organic Fertilizer Source
- Naturally occurring mineral.
- Contains a unique 6-in-1 combination of Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulphur, Magnesium, Calcium and Silica.
- Contains citric and non citric soluble Phosphorus.
- Safe to the soil ecology.
- Essentially chloride-free at 2.5% maximum of Sulphate source of all three nutrients.
- Neutral salt that does not change the soil pH at any application rate.
- High CEC.
- KMS and Guano fertilizer Gold combined is classified for use in certified organic crop production with sound agronomic integrity.
- Very economical when all six nutrients are needed.
- Low salt index.
- Suitable as a conventional , sustainable and organic input. Highly Suitable for peanuts, corn, cotton, sugarcane, pineapples, potatoes, soybeans, citrus and stone fruit, pastures and lucerne.
Silica Fertiliser
Silicon fertilisers such as Guano Gold-Kwik Start help increase the concentration of Mono-silica acids in the soil solution and their absorption on soluble phosphorus of Calcium [CaHPo4], Aluminium [2Al(H2Po4)] and Iron [2FePo4].
As a result Silicon fertilisers initiate the following processes:
1. transformation of slightly soluble phosphates into mobile forms, and
2. physical absorption of mobile phosphates by silicon-rich surfaces.
All facts suggest that Si rich materials can be used for reducing “P” “TIE UP”, and keep applied Phosphorus in plant available form.
CaHPo4 + Si(OH)4 = CaSio3 + H20 + H3Po4
2Al (H2Po4)3 + Si(0H)4 + H = Al2Si205 +5H3P04 +3H20
2FePo4 + Si(0H4) + H = Fe2Si04 + 2(H3P04)
Silica and KMS
Silica fertilisers exhibit very good absorption properties. Owing to this, leaching of Potassium from the soil surface horizon is reduced by the application of silicon.
Therefore fertilizer Guano Gold-Kwik Start blended with KMS will allow for maximum availability of both P and K in soils that are high in Fe, Al or Ca.
The interaction of Silica allows the natural fertiliser blend to work in both acid and slightly alkaline soils.