Guano Australia work with the Hunter Group to supply custom blended fertilisers to suit your requirements. Contact us for more information.
Guano Gold® with KMS® - New Era Custom Blend Fertilisers
Fertiliser custom blended to your specific requirements. Ideal for organic and conventional farmers.
This speciality range of custom blends allows for almost any crop nutritional requirement to match nutritional needs of crops and avoid the under or over application of nutrients.
Access to custom blending and to a comprehensive range of fertiliser blends allows the nutrients in your fertiliser investment to match individual crop requirements.
The Hunter Group can tailor a program for any crop and blend a number of products if needed. Nutrition is the first line of defence to disease that also drives yield and quality. Hunters can blend a number of products if needed to target what is specifically required. There is no need to guess and you can now go through in one pass!
Speak to our team! They are there to help. Successful farms start with healthy soils and plants.
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